Remember when Julius Malema claimed Mabala Noise Entertainment Company gave its artist R5 Million each a few weeks ago? Turns out he was right all along, well at least for the most part. Khanyi Mbau confirms Mabala Noise artists received life changing money.

In an interview with Zkhiphani, the singer admitted that all artists are taken after very well. “Look I won’t say how much it is, but we got a lot of money. No one in our stable is hungry, and when I say hungry, I don’t mean hand to mouth, we’re good. They look after us. They treat us like stars, they ensure we live in good neighborhoods, drive nice cars, wear nice clothing. They believe in us,” she said on the R5 million question.
Mbau did however confirm that R5 million was a wrong figure although the money is given to artists was life changing. “The R5 million is a wrong figure, but I won’t say how much, but it’s an amount that changes lives, yes,” she said.