Afrotainment boss DJ Tira is ready to address the buzz surrounding him in his new three-part docuseries Afrotainment iSgubhu Sase Dubane, which premiered on Channel O on Saturday, 7 December. The series, which runs for the next two weeks, takes viewers behind the scenes of Tira’s life and career, featuring key figures like his wife Gugu Khathi, Dladla Mshunqisi, Danger, DJ Fresh, and more.
In an exclusive interview with Daily Sun, DJ Tira (48) shared why he decided to open up about his journey. “I’ve always wanted to share my life’s journey and inspire those who come after me. It was also important for me to showcase Afrotainment as a label—where we come from and where we’re going,” he explained.
The series also touches on the controversies Tira has faced over the years, and the star is not shying away from addressing them. “I think it’s important to face whatever allegations are out there, especially if you know you’re clean and doing your best. I’m not afraid of anything,” he said.
Tira invited people who’ve played significant roles in his life and career to appear in the doccie, including his mother. “It’s personal for me. I wanted to bring in people I’ve worked with on my journey. I even brought in my mother in one of the episodes. I can’t wait to see the next episodes. I know it will be fun,” he said.
Celebrating 24 years in the music industry, Tira reflected on his career. “My journey has been quite smooth. Sure, there have been some bumpy roads, but I’ve lived a simple life. I’m just a young boy from KwaHlabisa who moved to Durban, fell in love with music, and now, Afrotainment is still here, making hits,” he shared.
As for the future, Tira hinted that his family might have a reality show in the works. “We’ve spoken to some people, but nothing has been set yet. Something might come, but I’m not making any promises,” he revealed.