With a radio career spanning more than three decades, Thabo “T-Bose” Mokwele brings topics to the airwaves that challenge and invoke human introspection and dialogue with
his audience. And through this he has learned a lot about life and its nuances.
T-Bose has written a book titled “Pause” which is a collection of Thabo’s observations, reflections and learnings about what life is about. Simply put, this is the book he wishes he had read before
starting his adult life journey.
Pause is a compilation of Thabo’s pearls of wisdom and lessons about life, God, money, relationships, parenting and, most importantly, self-mastery. His knowledge has been acquired by reading other philosophers’ views on life and love, from interviewing entrepreneurs and entertainers about self-sufficiency, and preachers as well as teachers about
self-mastery. This, you may say, is his ‘bible’; to drive his life and a lens through which he views his existence.
The book published by Tracey McDonald Publishers was recently launched at the Imbizo Shisanyama in Thabo’s community, Tembisa. The launch was MC’d by his wife Mapaseka Mokwele who is also a
broadcaster, amongst the many speakers was The Lazy Makoti, Drip founder Lekau Sehoana and Tshepo Mohlala (Tshepo Jeans) who all revealed that T-bose was their go-to person whenever they
needed knowledge in different situations.
In the book, Thabo shares what he knows, what he practices, and what still challenges him. It’s a book that everyone, from teens to adults, should read for a glimpse, and as a guide, to living a life
that is meaningful.
We learn from our mistakes, but some mistakes are costly and should never be repeated. And if reading a short chapter on a particular topic can help mould a young person’s life, or assist an adult
to self-correct, then Pause is a must-read.
Thabo says: “We all need to learn, unlearn and relearn many things in order to fully realize who weare meant to be”