Happy Simelane, the popular Mommy Club reality TV star known as Her Majesty, has taken a major step in turning her dreams into reality by launching her own franchised nail and beauty salon. The exciting news was shared with her followers on Instagram, where she expressed her gratitude and passion for the new venture.
“SA’s newest franchised nail & beauty salon is here! A little note from our Founder & CEO: ‘THANK YOU to those who believe in me & are here for the journey with me & this beautiful new brand I am creating. As most of you know, it has always been a dream of mine to own a beauty & nail salon. I learned a lot of lessons in my pursuit of this dream & I made some amazing connections on the difficult path I ended up taking. Finally, we are here now & only with the support of beautiful, powerful & ambitious women like all of you, will I be able to grow this brand into a formidable, job-creating, profit-making machine.’”
Her Majesty emphasised the importance of building a sisterhood of like-minded women to grow the brand and its impact. She continued, “We are building a sisterhood of like-minded women who will push each other & support each other all the way to the ultimate success. I have ensured that my brand is backed by great suppliers & a wonderful, experienced team!”
The new business venture has already garnered widespread support from Simelane’s followers and fellow celebrities. TV and radio host Lethabo LeJoy, reality TV star Londie London, and media personality Brinnette Seopela all congratulated Her Majesty on her exciting achievement.
“Please don’t hesitate to reach out to my team for any queries you might have regarding your journey as a Her Majesty franchisee,” Simelane added. “We are ready to receive you & grow with you! YOUR DREAMS ARE VALID.”