Kefilwe Mabote Joins Celeb Fight Against Notorious Celebrity Blog. Notorious celebrity blog Maphepha Ndaba is in the midst of a storm after multiple celebs have come out to call for the account out for spreading malicious fake rumours on the internet. Ayanda Thabethe was the first celeb to take to her Instagram claiming that share how these fake rumours ultimately damage the brands and pockets of many celebs.
Thabethe accused blogger Eva Modika of being the admin behind the gossip blog Maphepha Ndaba, and urged her followers to report and block the account. Another celeb has since come out alleging that Modika is definitely behind the gossip blog that has been sharing false narrative about celebs on social media just for clout sakes. and they want justice to be served.

well known blogger and businesswoman Doro Mongy was the Maphepha Ndaba’s latest victim after the blog spread fake rumours about her having sacrificed her child as part of a ritual. A livid Doro has took to social media to refute the claims and share that she will be taking action against the blog for spreading malicious rumours about her and other public figures and is prepared to go to jail.
Kefilwe Mabote took to her IG story in support of Doro Mongy, claiming that the blog need to be stopped from further ruining the reputations of people. Mabote shared how Karama has come back around and will be dealing with the accused for the hurt that they have caused. Kefilwe added that she commends Mongy for standing up to the cyber bullying account and is prepared to become a witness and also bring evidence of her own in support of all actions taken against those responsible.
On the other hand, Eva responded to the allegations and refuted that she is the blogger behind the Maphepha Ndaba account claiming that she doesn’t have the time to be sitting the whole day and writing about celebrities 24/7.