Katego Maboe is on top of his game and doesn’t seem like he will slow down anytime soon. We sat down with the award winning TV host to talk about his TV, music career and his future plans. Katlego Maboe talks misconceptions of the showbiz industry.

On his TV career the Expresso Show host says there’s still so much to achieve in television. “There’s always a room for improvement not just in my skills as a broadcaster but a lot to be learnt in terms of making television. I’m trying to find my space in creating the kind of content that will inspire a nation to greatness. The kind of shows that people watch and feel inspired to chase the greater good, breeding and holding people with integrity which I think is lacking in our society,” he said.
On people who inspire him in the entertainment industry that he would like to mirror, Katlego says he admires the professionalism of Basetsana Khumalo, Clive Morris and Michael Mol.
On his music career, the singer says he still very much loves music although his television career has taken over. “I think it has been seasonal, there was a time when music was the biggest driver of my passion. Right now television certainly is and I’m looking for ways to integrate those two mediums to allow television to make music grow. Music will always be my first passion, that’s what got me to television in the first place.”
“I think people have a preconceived idea that it all comes a lot easier than it actually does. They don’t realize the amount of research and preparation of work that goes into making television. I think the biggest misconception I think is youngster think it’s all about the red carpets, the Gucci suits, the Dome, the after parties. The most difficult thing is its far easier to get into the spotlight than to keep your spot in the spotlight, once you in there maintaining that, that’s when the work starts.
The two time Golden Horn Award winner for Best TV Presenter says he’s not in it for the awards. “I’ve been put on that pedestal by South Africans by the two SAFTAs I’ve won. I can’t think of anything more I’d would want.”
On his future plans, Katlego says the more you do it the more dream of bigger things and would love to be part of a South African show that gets internationally syndicated. “Say one day you win an Emmy for that, that’d be awesome.”