Junior de Rocka Responds To Ntando Duma’s Dead Beat Dad’ Rant With Some Receipts! This morning Ntando Duma went on a twitter rant blasting her baby daddy for not supporting their daughter.
Now Junior has responded calling out Ntando for airing their dirty laundry in public. Junior also showed proof that he has been taking care of their daughter.
“Writing this I could only imagine how many people are in jail for being falsely accused of things they didnt do. As men we have feelings too. We love our kids and best believe some of us are trying. I hope we put this 2 rest today,” Junior wrote on twitter.
Check out her rant and proof below.

Writing this I could only imagine how many people are in jail for being falsely accused of things they didnt do. As men we have feelings too. We love our kids and best believe some of us are trying. I hope we put this 2 rest today #TheTruth #MySideOfTheStory #My1stnLastStatement pic.twitter.com/M7oIvCX1qG— JUNIOR DE ROCKA (@JuniorDeRocka) January 15, 2019