Zenande Mfenyana Shares Why She Can’t Participate In The #BussItChallenge. Twitter has been lit with the #BussItChallenge and some of our favourite celebs such as Rosmary Zimu, Moonchild, Nadia Nakai and more had a go at it and we must say they nailed it.
Unfortunately for some, they had to sit the challenge out because of various reasons including The Queen actress Zenande Mfenyana who has revealed she’s taking a step back from the challenge because she has no bum.
“Haai sana ndine lishwa le challenges, yet another challenge I can’t participate in, andinazo tuu impundu for la buss it challenge” Zenande wrote.
Mfenyana has returned to work after bonding with her ballerina and although the new mom is thrilled, she tweeted about how the food on set is not ideal for losing weight but on the plus side, that might help her try the next challenge.