Tweeps React To Anele Mdoda Complaining About Her Luxury Bag. The television and radio presenter took to her socials to express her annoyance at the Burberry luxury brand’s refusal to repair her bag. All this because of non-proof of payment.
Taking to her Twitter, the 947 radio presenter expressed her disappointment over the brand’s refusal to fix her bag and requested to Burberry’s CEO to lodge a complaint saying, “Guys Burberry won’t fix my bag because I don’t have the slip. I bought it at an airport. My bank slip says so and they refuse. Ndi naar. Who knows the Burberry CEO. Plug me please,” her tweet read.
Responding to a tweep (in response to a tweet she had made) of Thabo Bester bending the rules and eating his own choice of appetising meals in prison she sarcastically said: “Maybe he can sort out my Burberry problems.”

Heeding her request of the CEO’s contacts, a good Samaritan provided some help to her, by providing an avenue she could explore saying, “@Anele – My suggestion call Surtees Group @burberry SA distributors, ask to speak with Mr. Fazel Surtees (Owner) explain your situation to him, you’ll be in the right hands. Happy to help if you need me to call him, he used to be a client of mine many years ago – top gent.”
Mdoda’s tweet has since been met with mixed reactions with many tweeps saying that she was shooting for the moon by requesting the CEO’s contacts. Others gave her practical advice saying that she should have used her banking app to show them the transaction details. Whilst others expressed how they wished to vicariously live through Anele so they could experience requesting the contacts of the CEO of a luxurious brand.
Check out the tweets below: