Social media influencer Tshepi Vundla celebrated her upcoming wedding in style with a gorgeous bridal shower, surrounded by loved ones and close friends. The intimate gathering, held over the weekend, was a beautiful prelude to her big day with rapper JR.
The bride-to-be looked radiant in an elegant short white dress, her face glowing with joy as she spent time with the people she cherishes most. Tshepi shared the excitement on social media, writing: “My girls threw me a Tequila Sunset-themed bachelorette party. I had the best time and I am so grateful to every person that made this party everything and more. I love and appreciate my people so much.”
In a heartfelt post, Tshepi also shared pictures from a special moment with her new husband JR and their children in traditional attire. She expressed her gratitude towards her in-laws, saying: “Thank you to the Bogopa family for the warmest welcome into their family. Myself and my family felt the love . I am very lucky that my in-laws are incredibly special people. Ke leboga kudu.”