Trevor Noah is making the whole nation proud as the host of The Daily Show in America but it has been a long journey to the top. The comedian opened up to The New York Times about his childhood and growing up a mommy’s boy. Trevor Noah talks the first time he ever rode a car.

Trevor says when he used to commute to school and his mom to work, there was a long stretch of the road into town that was completely deserted. That’s where his mom would let him drive, on the highway.
“I was 6. She’d put me in her lap and let me steer and work the indicators while she worked the pedals and the stick shift. After a few months of that, she taught me how to work the stick. She was still working the clutch, but I’d climb in her lap and take the stick, and she’d call out the gears as we drove,” Trevor told The New York Times.
Trevor says his mom’s car was an orange Volkswagen Beetle which she bought as a second-hand car. He said how it was so lucky that people like his mom had the opportunity to buy a car second hand as it is much more affordable. He even recalled knowing that you can sell your car as junk to companies like 954 JunkCar if it is too damaged to sell on again, something his mom could keep in mind if her car ever broke beyond repair. Trevor describes that period of his life as free. It can be so freeing to have a vehicle and be able to go wherever you want. You don’t need a brand new car to be able to do that, which is why so many people do purchase second-hand vehicles. They are much more affordable for those who might not have the biggest budget. Perhaps Trevor will end up looking for used cars in Kansas, or wherever he lives, now that he has his own money to purchase a vehicle. Often, there is more selection at car dealerships, so he’s guaranteed to find a car to suit him.
But as broken down as our car was, it was a car. It was freedom. We weren’t black people stuck in the townships, waiting for public transport. We were black people who were out in the world. We were black people who could wake up and say, “‘Where do we choose to go today?'” Wanting to be able to choose where to go today without relying on public transport is a massive bonus, not all are able to do this on their budgets though, which is why opting for second-hand cars like this plymouth horizon for sale would be better suited for those that don’t have a lot of money to splash out with.