Rumors of actress Natasha Thahane dating rapper A-Reece have been circulating ever since she was featured in one of his videos. It was also around the same time Natasha announced she had broken up with her rapper bae. A-Reece gushes over Natasha Thahane’s beauty, are they dating?

Speaking to Slikour, the young rapper gushed over Natasha’s beauty and also set the record straight on whether they are dating or not.
“We just work well together, and she’s very beautiful, no lie. Yeah, she has very soft lips, and she has this nice dimple when she smiles… I admire her eyes. But anyway, we work well together… when we’re acting, when we’re being professional,” he told Slikour.
On whether they are dating or not, A-Reece says he’s single. “I’m single right now.”