Prince Kaybee Unapologetic About Putting Music Before Family, Including His Mom! Prince Kaybe’s talent is undeniable but his view on things and some of his statements on social media are questionable but we’re not here to judge.
The hitmaker often share parts of his personal life moments with his fans on social media. Who can ever forget when he revealed that at his big age he still shows his penis to his mother,oOr the beautiful moment he bought his mom a Mercedes Benz? And now he’s back with sharing his values and what comes first in his life.
“Took my mom for a mini vac in Durban last week for 7 days, we got there first day and I got a call to do a remix and Fetch Your Life has been approved to be part of the biggest compilation in the world(will share news later). Morale of the story…?, for me, FAMILY CAN WAIT,” he tweeted.

His fans were shook by the revelation, check out some of the reactions below.
But broh If it happens that your Mom dies there’s no way you can get another Mom and Fetch your life will be there until forever . So for me Family comes first since it’s not guaranteed that they will be there the next day . But I get your point bruh, keep on making good music ?
— Checkpoint 0? (@khandizwe_chris) March 27, 2019
Don’t try to Loyiso us please, I respect you man! Family comes first, that fetch your life is good but might be a bubble that might pop anytime soon
— ? ???? ????? ??? (@Faris_Unchained) March 26, 2019
This tweet was a good one until you spoilt it, we love your mom and hope she’s good ?
— Sphohlongo? (@SphoModingwane1) March 26, 2019
Money is indeed the root of all evil
— Ndivhuwo Tseli (@ndivhuuwo) March 26, 2019