She’s back and shadier than ever. Ntsiki says she was embarrassed by Cassper’s interview on Sway In The Morning. The poet took to her blog to share her frustrations with what Cassper said in the interview and suggest the way forward.

Ntsiki first made sure everyone knew she is a huge Cassper fan, well up until that Sway interview. She then addressed everything the rapper did wrong.
“That interview single handedly showed me that artists should not only focus on the craft…but artists should also be readers and be more conscious of the position they occupy,” she ranted. Ntsiki says she was saddened by Cassper making it seem as if all South Africans aspire to be Americans.
“No Cassper, that is just you and your self worth issues, the majority of south Africans are VERY African. And only some of the kids who grew up fluent in English aspire to be American, and let’s be honest now, that is quite a below average aspiration,” she wrote.
Ntsiki says Cassper gushing about Americans the way he did whilst millions watched is such a disgrace. She then went on to urge South Africans to learn that we are powerful in our own right.
“The level of depth was sadly a missing element in that interview. Essentially, in that whole 45mins Cassper said nothing powerful, nothing to make South Africa look good. The interview left me feeling embarrassed about the youth. Do the youth really wanna be American? If so…..WOW!”
Although she admitted that Cassper’s freestyle redeemed him at the end, Ntsiki still had some advice for Cassper. ” Next time please speak for yourself and don’t make us ALL look ignorant.”