Norma Mngoma Details How Her Children Were Struggling At School Because Of Her Separation, Norma Mngoma has had her fair share of drama with her soon to be former husband Malusi Gigaba and his philandering ways.
Since Mngoma’s recent arrest, she has opened up about her experience in an affidavit stating how her separation with estranged husband Malusi Gigaba affected her nine year old and seven year old sons even though their separation is still up in the air currently.
Norma detailed how her children witnessed her arrest resulting in them struggling to focus at school after she was accused of plotting to kill former Minister of Home Affairs and her husband Malusi Gigaba.
“My children were struggling at school, with teachers calling to notify me that they are upset as a result of the conflict at home” Norma said.
Norma stated the charges laid against her by Gigaba had no foundation and was no more than an attempt to tarnish her name and has admitted to being responsible for the wrecking of the G Wagon, as a result of her emotions which caused her to take a vegetable slicer and damage the vehicle belonging to Siyaya Peterson .
She stated that her anger was fueled when the Deputy State Security manager whom revealed that Malusi was a close friend with Peterson Siyaya and he was present in all of Malusi’s infidelity cases which resulted in her actions.
By Sinakho Mandla