Contrary to popular belief, Mshoza says she doesn’t hate being black. The singer talked about her biggest misconceptions in an interview on Cliff Central and how she feels about them.

As strong as she might seem, the singer says it’s not easy showing a brave face when bad are being written and said on social media. “Having to act as if I’m strong enough to take whatever is thrown at me by the media, that’s difficult, that’s tough. You know you’re just trying to live your life but the vultures are out there,” she said.
Mshoza says people don’t realize that famous people are human and human and not perfect but somehow expected to be perfect. Asked about the biggest misconceptions about her, Mshoza had this to say.
“Two things, that I don’t like being black, no they’re wrong. I can’t dwell on that now. That I’m a gold digger, no please don’t. I’m a lover, a true lover. I love people, those are the two things people don’t get right about me.”