Khanyi Mbau is bursting with pride as her daughter, Khanukani (also known as Khanz), recently passed her matric with flying colours, achieving an impressive A-aggregate and 80% admission points score (APS). The proud mother shared the news on Instagram, posting a picture of Khanz with the caption, “To my little girl Khanz, congratulations on passing matric and doing sooo well. Thank you for making me a proud mommy #Classof2024.”
In an interview with TshisaLIVE, Khanyi, who is currently based in Dubai, opened up about the emotional moment she heard the news. “I cried. I got so emotional. That we made it, I never imagined raising Khanz alone and I never imagined I would pull through for her. My little human made me so proud. I am still so teary,” she shared.
Khanyi also reflected on her daughter’s intelligence and drive, saying, “She is intelligent. I knew she passed. My only wish was that it would be enough for her. She is a go-getter and a little hard on herself at times.”
Throughout Khanz’s matric year, Khanyi made sure she had all the support needed to succeed. “She was stepping to war and she had to come out as a victor. I told her grade 12 is nothing but revision of everything she knows. I also made the support she needed available from tutors to extra classes,” Khanyi explained. “She was a little moody and sensitive during exam time (very understandable) so we gave her enough space but also stayed close.”
Khanyi went on to describe how she balanced providing emotional support with allowing Khanz the space to focus. “I listened, encouraged, and learned her rhythm, made her school life an element of our life. In that, I aided the tools and extra support she needed. I feel as parents we sometimes smother our children. Last year was the biggest chapter in her school life; she had to figure it out and I stood tall as her support and padded wall.”
As a single mother, Khanyi has faced numerous challenges but remains incredibly proud of her accomplishments. “Being a single mom and having to be an all-rounder, from expensive school fees to giving my child a normal and balanced life, those are some of the challenges I’ve faced as a parent — but we made it. I would like to thank the staff from her school. My mother has been such a champ in the journey,” she said.
To celebrate Khanz’s achievement, Khanyi has planned a “huge surprise,” including a year of travel as Khanz takes a gap year. “She is going to travel the world for 13 months, see and understand how big and diverse it is, and that should help guide her into her passion and interests in her career,” Khanyi shared.
Khanyi concluded by emphasising the significance of the achievement. “Another Mbau has entered the villa. We are so proud of her for giving us dignity in society. This milestone has boosted her confidence and that’s all an adult needs — and the world is hers.”