One of the things we’ve been learning about Kelly Khumalo lately is that she’s an open book. Nothing was left unanswered in an candid interview with MTV Base’s Sizwe Dhlomo. Kelly Khumalo says Jub Jub is non existent to her.

Speaking about her toxic relationship with Jub Jub, Kelly told Sizwe they were two demons which came together. “He was very sweet but I think we all lose ourselves especially when drugs are involved. He had his demons and I had mine,” Kelly said.
“I was left confused, hurt and broken. I was a first time mother and I was trying to support a partner who’s very abusive both physically and emotionally. You can only do so much and I remember feeling, I’m tired of this nonsense. There’s so much drugging, there’s so much abuse – I had enough and I had to let go.”
Kelly said when Jub Jub gets out of Jail he’ll have a restraining order waiting for him. “For me Molemo doesn’t exist.” On their son Kelly had this to say. “A child he has never supported? A child who’s mother he abused in front of?”