Renowned traditional healer and reality TV star, Makgotso Lee-Anne Mokopo, popularly known as Gogo Maweni, found herself in legal trouble this past weekend after a social media feud led to her arrest. Mokopo, who also appears on the popular reality show Izangoma Zodumo, was detained on Sunday, January 19, 2025, in connection with an assault case dating back to 2019. The arrest marks a significant turn in her ongoing public feud with fellow traditional healer, Tumi “Gogo Skhotheni” Motsoeneng.
According to City Press, Gogo Maweni appeared in the Protea Magistrates’ Court on Monday, where her case was postponed to January 27, 2025, for a formal bail application. She remains in police custody until then. Mokopo faces charges related to assault with grievous bodily harm (GBH), specifically an alleged attack on her ex-boyfriend. Police spokesperson Mavela Masondo confirmed the arrest, but he did not comment on whether Mokopo was linked to other cases.
The arrest followed a detailed operation led by the Gauteng Province Cold Case Investigation Unit and the Gauteng Counter Intelligence Investigation office. Police reports state that their efforts to track down the 39-year-old traditional healer began early on the morning of January 19. The operation first took investigators to Mokopo’s home in Fairland, before they located her in the Mondeor area, where she was apprehended.
Mokopo’s lawyer, Marcia Makuse, mentioned in court that the traditional healer was pregnant with twins, though this was not independently verified. Alongside the assault charge, there are claims that Gogo Maweni is being investigated for other serious cases, including three separate murder investigations from 2020, 2021, and 2024. While Masondo confirmed the arrest, he stopped short of confirming her involvement in the other investigations.
When Gogo Maweni appeared in court, she looked visibly tired and worn out. Wearing tight grey pants, a loose grey top, and slippers, she had a weary expression on her face as she faced the charges. The case, which has drawn considerable media attention, is being followed closely by fans and critics alike, many of whom are familiar with the reality star’s controversial public persona.
Her name has recently been at the center of a viral social media dispute with Tumi Motsoeneng, her longtime nemesis. The two have been at odds for years, with their rivalry playing out on platforms like TikTok. The feud escalated when Motsoeneng accused Mokopo of involvement in several unsolved criminal cases, including the murder investigations. These claims gained further attention when Motsoeneng, during a TikTok live, highlighted the details of the cases, asking why Mokopo had not been arrested sooner.
The bad blood between the two traditional healers has been intense. One of the most talked-about moments came when Mokopo posted a video mocking Motsoeneng’s son, Monde Junior Shange, who tragically passed away in September 2024. In the video, Mokopo uttered words that many found deeply disturbing: “That’s why umntwanakho afile” (That is why your child is dead). This remark caused significant outrage, particularly among Motsoeneng’s followers and family.
In response, Motsoeneng took to TikTok to air grievances and publicly discuss her son’s death, even speaking with two women said to be relatives of the deceased. The situation grew more heated when Mokopo posted a video in which she appeared in her shrine with a coffin resembling the one used for Motsoeneng’s son. On top of the coffin was a message that many interpreted as a cruel taunt aimed at Motsoeneng.
However, despite their bitter feud, the two healers recently made peace, sharing a moment of reconciliation on TikTok last week. This brief truce, however, was not enough to prevent the legal drama from unfolding, as Mokopo’s arrest has now become a central focus of the public’s attention.
WATCH | Gogo Maweni appears in court for assault GBH, remains in custody until next week
— City Press (@City_Press) January 20, 2025