Actress Charmaine Mtinta, known for her role as Nomeva on eTV’s hit telenovela Smoke and Mirrors, has officially left the show. Entertainment blogger Phil Mphela shared the news on X (formerly Twitter), revealing that Mtinta was written off due to a contractual disagreement between her and the show’s producers.
Mphela explained, “The actress playing Nomeva on eTV’s hit telenovela, Smoke and Mirrors, has been let go by the show. Though popular, a decision was made to write off the character due to failure to reach mutual ground between production and the actress.”
He further clarified, “Contractual disagreement led to Charmaine Mtinta’s exit. Upon further investigation, I have been made aware that the prolific actress had issues with her Smoke and Mirrors contract. Through her agent, she voiced her asks and contention, to which production/channel did not capitulate. Unfortunately, in the end, without an agreement, the show decided to write off Nomeva.”
In response to the news, Charmaine Mtinta issued a public statement to address the claims. She denied the allegations and expressed concern over the way the situation was being reported. Her official statement reads:
‘”I am deeply concerned about the false and damaging allegations being circulated regarding my departure from Smoke and Mirrors. These claims are untrue and risk tarnishing my reputation and career, and I feel it is necessary to address them directly. To clarify, my departure followed a series of professional discussions between myself and the production team regarding the terms of my role. While we did not reach an agreement, the discussions were conducted with mutual respect. To my colleagues, supporters, and the broader entertainment industry, I remain committed to my craft and look forward to continuing to bring meaningful and impactful performances to audiences. Thank you for your continued support.”
Charmaine Mtinta dropped
The actress playing Nomeva on etv’s hit telenovela, Smoke and Mirrors, has been let go by the show.
Though popular, a decision was made to write off the character due to failure to reach mutual ground between production and the actress.…
— Kgopolo (@PhilMphela) December 4, 2024
Charmaine Mtinta addresses my report about her leaving etv telenovela, Smoke And Mirrors. #KgopoloReports
— Kgopolo (@PhilMphela) December 4, 2024