It must be that African butter! As Bonang herself would say. Whilst we’ve never seen a pic of Bonang in the gym, the media personality is serving, body and style goals on her baecation with AKA in Thailand. Bonang serves African buttered bikini body in Thailand.

Bonang took to social media sharing a sexy pic of herself in a two piece bikini showing off those endless gorgeous legs and her flat tummy. “Butter. African Butter,” she captioned the photo.
Her bae couldn’t resist reposting the same photo with the caption, “SHUUUUUUUUUUUU ???????? What a lot I got for the game!”
SHUUUUUUUUUUUU ???????? What a lot I got for the game! @bonang_m Ⓜ️
— AKA (@akaworldwide) January 11, 2017