Gqom music star Babes Wodumo’s legal team is challenging video footage that allegedly shows her assaulting designer Philile “Philly” Mhlongo. The trial, which began on Thursday, 23 January, at the Durban Magistrates Court, saw Babes Wodumo, whose real name is Bongekile Simelane-Maphumulo, arrive dressed in all black—complete with a long leather coat, black T-shirt, leather trousers, and boots. She was accompanied by her father, Bishop Welcome Simelane.
Babes is facing assault charges for an alleged incident on 12 March 2024, when she is said to have attacked Philile at the designer’s business, SK Designs, in the Durban CBD. The incident was reportedly caught on security cameras.
According to Daily Sun, Philile testified in court, saying Babes slapped her in the face, and the whole incident was recorded on video. “After the incident, which was recorded by cameras, I requested video footage from the business place supervisor,” Philile explained. “She showed me the footage but said she couldn’t download it for me. I then recorded it on my cellphone, transferred it to my USB, and gave it to the investigating officer.”
However, Babes’ attorney, Thula Mlondo, raised concerns about how the footage was obtained, questioning its legitimacy and the process followed. This prompted Magistrate Ntokozo Myeni to instruct the state prosecutor, Ntokozo Ngema, to present the video in court.
Unfortunately, the video was not available in court, as the defence had not disputed it during the pre-trial conference. The prosecutor then informed the court that she was unable to present the footage.
Magistrate Myeni postponed the case until Monday, 27 January, to allow the state time to arrange for the video to be made available. The trial, which is scheduled to run for three days, will continue on 27 January and 7 February.
This case is closely followed, with many awaiting the outcome of the dispute over the crucial video evidence.