Rising star Azana, known for her hit songs Sifanele and Shona Malanga, has teamed up with renowned rapper Big Zulu for an exciting new release. Their collaboration, Amacala Othando, drops on Friday, January 24, and Azana says the song reflects the challenges faced in relationships, particularly the strains of a broken marriage.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Azana explained that the song focuses on a dialogue between lovers struggling to communicate and express their concerns. “It talks about a broken marriage where a man feels unappreciated. It’s an argumentative dialogue between lovers and expressing their concerns,” she said.
Azana further explained that Amacala Othando highlights the typical struggles couples face, but with a hopeful message. “The moral of this song is that at the end of the conversation, they agree not to be apart,” she shared. “It talks about those who are married and will never be apart because they have made a decision to always make their relationship work.”
The 24-year-old singer also expressed her excitement about collaborating with Big Zulu, a partnership she had dreamed of since entering the music industry. “Creating this song with Big Zulu was an amazing experience. I’ve wanted to collaborate with him since I entered the industry, so this was an answered prayer. It’s been amazing and makes me happy it’s come to life,” Azana said.
Recently, Azana posted a video on Instagram featuring her and Big Zulu, which sparked rumours that the two were dating. When asked by Daily Sun if they were in a relationship, Azana was tight-lipped, stating, “For now, I don’t want to answer any questions about me being in a relationship with him. For now, we’re concentrating on the music.”