Actress, social media influencer, and now podcaster – Buntu Petse has added another exciting achievement to her growing list of talents. The star recently announced the launch of her new podcast, WomanWizer, which she describes as “by a woman, for the women.”
Buntu couldn’t contain her excitement as she shared the news with her followers, revealing that the first episode would be available on Monday, January 13. In her post, she expressed how thrilled she was to begin this new venture: “My new podcast WomanWizer is here! Join me, Buntu Petse, with you as my amazing co-hosts on this journey as we get wizer together.”
WomanWizer will dive into a wide range of topics that matter to women, including money, sex, career, and marriage. It promises to be a space where listeners can engage in real and honest conversations with Buntu and her guests.
Taking to social media, she shared further details: “Hey beautiful people! I have some exciting news to share! My brand new podcast, WomanWizer, is finally here! A huge thank you to @soundandaounds for helping to make this happen!”
Listeners can catch the first episode on the WomanWizer YouTube page on Monday, January 13. The podcast will also be available for streaming on popular platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
With her engaging personality and diverse experience, Buntu is sure to make WomanWizer a hit, and she encourages fans to subscribe across all platforms to make sure they don’t miss a single episode.