Here’s What Went Down During The #RHODurban Season 3 Reunion Part 1. The first part of the real housewives of Durban season three reunion aired on Wednesday and it has social media talking and the ladies making top trends lists.
Whilst there still a full second part to air, the first half was packed with tears, storm offs, confrontations and not so surprisingly lack of apologies considering what went down during the dramatic season.
Nonku was asked about her controversial relationship with now ex RD which brought her to tears as she refused to answer questions about him scamming her stating legal reasons.
Sane Bhengu refused to take accountability or offer a heartfelt apology to Annie for claiming she slept her way to the top and gave a disappointing apology to Londie for going at her for her failed marriage. Annie seemed to not care for Sane’s apology as she agreed she would not have forgiven her.
Asked about saying “voetsek” to Nonku during one the heated scenes of the season, Sorisha responded saying, “I’d never say that to animals – ever, ever, especially my own dogs.”
Maria stormed off after sharing her heartbreak over Ruan choosing Jojo over their seven year old friendship. Here’s how fans of the show reacted to the first part of the reunion.