Whether it was to get rhinoplasty in thailand, make something bigger, reduce the size of something, lift or brighten, these celebs have no shame in their game. They went under the knife and are not ashamed to say it. And you shouldn’t be too. Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t undergo procedures like a Mastopexy (also known as a Breast Lift) if this is something you feel will help improve your self-confidence. People don’t know what others may be going through, so as long as you feel like getting surgery will have a positive impact on your life in any way, that should be your main focus.
Check out South African celebs who have embraced plastic surgery.
1. Connie Ferguson
The actress admitted to having had rhinoplasty.
2. Uyanda Mbuli
Former Miss SA Uyanda Mbuli has admitted to having had a nose job that cost her R45 000.
3. KB Motsilanyane
KB admitted to having had her breasts reduced
4. Mshoza
Oh well, you can see for yourself
5. Khanyi Mbau
Face fillers, breast implants, eyebrow lifts, having the excess skin around her eyelids removed those are few of Khanyi Mbau’s procedures.